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May - Open Day news

We were very pleased that our Open Day went so well and we could share our wonderful woodlands with both new and returning supporters. Despite the cold weather we had 18 visitors. Our 3 tours were well attended and much interest expressed.

Two good outcomes: Ward Councillor Jan Davis of the Green Party will take our flyers about class visits into some local schools. Sonia Noble-Parker will be bringing cubs from Brundall to use the site.

As we walked around with Councillor Eleanor Laming we actually saw a treecreeper climbing up a tree. We have seen them on our wildlife cameras but it was great to see it in real life. Treecreepers always go up trees in a spiral direction, never down. When they get to the top they fly to the bottom of the next tree.

We now have slow worms on site, 2 females and 1 male. Slow worm numbers are thought to be in decline in the UK. They are a ‘priority species’ in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan.

The grass snakes are out of hibernation and we got some great photos.

Our biggest excitement on open day: We saw and managed to get a photo of a baby Muntjac fawn. The doe had taken it to a safe space.

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